Friday, May 18, 2012

Ever have an "Off" day?

This last week, amidst running to Clinton Iowa, I was having an "off" day.

Off days aren't fun.  They put us in a "funk" and it is often hard to get out of it.

Not only do they effect us, but often they effect the others we are around.

After mile mark number 17, I was mentally exhausted, and had no desire to continue on.

My fiance was aware of my "off" day and she wrote me an encouraging note to attach to my gear cart while I continued on.  The end of the note reads:

It is so true.

I often need be reminded, especially on "off" days, that I run because I love to run, not because I have to.

Running is my art, my form, where I often find myself more aware and connected to the Creator who gifted me with the ability of long-distance running.

If you never have "off" days, you would never have "exquisite" days, because you wouldn't have something to compare it too.

I was blessed to be reminded of "Why I Run" even amidst an "off" day.

Today, may you be reminded, "Why you do what you do?"

What initially initiated you to do what you are doing?

Was it a love for a specific thing, activity or a group of people.

Often times we need to be reminded.

I run, because I love to run.


  1. Great word! Thanks Brother! In our prayers always!

  2. Very cool post Jim! It's so true that those "off" days that make me want to rip off my own legs and beat my torso with them, make the "exquisite" days all the more blissful! Thank you for your journey! Big blessings to you, good sir!
